
Analysis, Ideas, Stories

Engaging with the Plutocene

Marko Ulvila and Kristoffer Wilén

 When critical discussions around the concept of the Anthropocene gained popularity and alternative terms such as Capitalocene or Chthulucene emerged, we decided in early 2016 to chip in to the debate with yet another cene

Analysis, Stories

Emerging Water Issues In Brazil

Maurício Andrés Ribeiro

Brazil has historically been blessed with an abundant supply of water. Droughts and water scarcity were typically confined only to the northeastern parts of the country. Since 2012, however, the water crisis has hit vast regions in …

Agenda, Analysis

Finding Pathways to a Better Future

By John Foran

A proposal that our movements confront the issue of Political Power, finding new ways to take and use it.

Where Have We Been?

Unlike other ecosocialists, I have long argued that the path to radical social transformation …

Conversations, Ideas

Ecofeminism and Radical Ecological Democracy

A conversation between Ariel Salleh and Ashish Kothari

 AK: How does feminism come together with ecological thinking to question ‘development fundamentalism’ in the global South?

 AS: In North and South, ecofeminist politics is based on women’s daily efforts to …

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