People’s Sustainability Treaty on Radical Ecological Democracy
What its origin is: built on grassroots experiences in India and elsewhere, that provide alternatives to the currently unsustainable and inequitable ‘development’ process; linked to the PST treaties a few months before Rio+20.
What it means: A process of attaining human well-being, that is in tune with nature and respects other species, promotes socio-economic equity amongst all people, enhances the cultural, material, economic, social, and political opportunities of all, and empowers each person and community to take part in decision-making affecting their lives.
What it contains: A preamble on the current crises of sustainability and equity, key principles of RED, main commitments expected from governments and civil society, initial set of signatories, and a tentative action plan for the future.
What the process so far has been: Drafted prior to Rio+20, the Treaty (in English and Spanish) was sent around to various networks to get an initial ‘circle’ of Treaty proponents. Based on an initial set of comments it was revised; this version was then
presented to groups at Rio+20, including at a couple of side events dedicated to this Treaty, and at the other sessions dealing with People’s Sustainability Treaties as a whole. Based on comments at Rio+20, it was further revised and circulated to various networks.
It has been translated into French, Portuguese and Chinese for wider circulation, and is currently circulating for further inputs and endorsements.
What is the future of the Treaty: It is proposed to start a website (linked to the PST site) and a listserve for the Treaty (within January 2013), to enable greater sharing of experiences and ideas; it has also been proposed as a ‘circle’ within the Great Transition Initiative’s Widening Circles process; and possibilities for it being used to influence the post-2015 MDG and sustainable development goals process are being considered.
Full text of the Treaty and Translations:
English French Spanish Portuguese Japanese Chinese