

Germany in transition

From an economy addicted to coal and nuclear energy, Germany is fast transforming into one driven by renewables. Its aim is to demonstrate to the world that growth and decarbonisation can go hand in hand. People in Germany are pooling …


Repairs Cafes in Amsterdam

An unemployed man, a retired pharmacist and an upholsterer took their stations, behind tables covered in red gingham. Screwdrivers and sewing machines stood at the ready. Coffee, tea and cookies circulated. Hilij Held, a neighbor, wheeled in a zebra-striped suitcase …


The Longo Mai Movement

The Longo Mai movement is a group of agricultural cooperatives with a basic grass-roots, alternative, rural, laic and sustainable ideology. It has its origins in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France. Young people from the “generation 68” founded the first settlement …


Community alternatives in mountains

Based on his work in mountain communities in Mexico (and in other parts of Latin America), David Barkin suggests the need for a ‘‘dialogue of knowledge systems’’ or dialogo de saberes, a concept used in Latin America that is …


German village produces 321% more energy than it needs

The village’s green initiative first started in 1997 when the village council decided that it should build new industries, keep initiatives local, bring in new revenue, and create no debt. Over the past 14 years, the community has equipped nine …


Mangalajodi: a village of bird protectors

From a village of bird hunters, Mangalajodi in Orissa is now a village of bird protectors. ASHISH KOTHARI recounts how the transformation happened.

“Black-tailed godwits,” said my companion, pointing to a swirling cloud of specks in the distance that alternately …


Homestay with a difference in Sarmoli

Even as villages offering home-stays become increasingly common in the Himalaya, there are some that are different. Sarmoli, located on the slopes above Munsiari town in Uttarakhand, offers an experience that few others can. Sitting on the balcony of a …


The Timbaktu Revolution


Located in the Anantpur district of Andhra Pradesh, close to the town of Penukonda, the Timbaktu Collective is an initiative to empower villagers (particularly the poorest amongst them) to take charge of their own future. And the future of their …


Jharcraft: crafts in Central India

Sikandar’s village Upar Konki in Jharkhand is one of several settlements that are challenging two “development” dogmas: that one needs large-scale industrialisation to provide employment, and that rural-urban migration is inevitable. How are they doing it? With a little bit …

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