Revolutionary Struggle

Ideas, News

The Movements of Movements…

Towards doing something together about where we are today, and some thoughts about rethinking our dance

 By Jai Sen

Our world, today, is not only a world in profound crisis but also a world in profound movement, with major and …


A Path To Freedom

By Gustavo Esteva

It is possible to say that underdevelopment afflicted me when I was 13 years old. On January 20, 1949 I became underdeveloped along with two billion other people of the non-western world, the former colonies,  when president …

Agenda, Analysis

Red and Green: The Ecosocialist Perspective

By Michael Löwy

The contemporary international political economy is marked by a great contradiction. On a planet characterized by finite resources, the economy is predicated upon an absurd and irrational logic of infinite expansion and accumulation. With its fossil fuel …


Planting Trees To Challenge Israeli Occupation

By Zeina Fakhriddin

Ever since the creation of an Israeli state in 1948, Palestine has been a victim of an ongoing process of colonization with discriminatory policies and laws that facilitate the exploitation of indigenous Palestinian communities and their natural …

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