
Analysis, Ideas, Stories

Engaging with the Plutocene

Marko Ulvila and Kristoffer Wilén

 When critical discussions around the concept of the Anthropocene gained popularity and alternative terms such as Capitalocene or Chthulucene emerged, we decided in early 2016 to chip in to the debate with yet another cene


Is There A Way Out?

Ashish Kothari and Pallav Das

One doesn’t need exceptional socio-political acumen to recognize that the contemporary world is in a state of toxic ferment. The dystopian future of environmental and economic collapse that we’ve seen advancing menacingly for long seems …


A Path To Freedom

By Gustavo Esteva

It is possible to say that underdevelopment afflicted me when I was 13 years old. On January 20, 1949 I became underdeveloped along with two billion other people of the non-western world, the former colonies,  when president …

Agenda, Conversations

RED Conversations Series

Towards A Radical Pluriverse

A dialogue between Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Alberto Acosta and Federico Demaria, moderated by Ashish Kothari

 Ashish – How would we describe the world we live in and what are its dominant trends?

ArielIn …



Emerging Judicial And Civil Society Convergence In India

(A version of this paper was presented at the 7th Interactive Dialogue of the General Assembly on Harmony with Nature, addressing Earth Jurisprudence and the Sustainable Development Agenda, in commemoration of the …


Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties

The official Rio+20 outcome was – somewhat predictably – a bit of a disappointment. However, the real seeds of progress were sown on the sidelines. A number of events at the People’s Summit held the promise of effective citizens’ action …

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