
Conversations, Ideas, Stories

RED Conversations Series

Ashish Kothari talks to Joel Morist I Botines about cooperatives, commons and the need to shrink the ecological footprint of the contemporary society.

Ashish – Joel, can you tell us about the work being done by Cooperativa Integral Catalana?


Conversations, Stories

RED Conversations Series

Ashish Kothari interviews Enric Duran about the death grip of finance capital on society and how the recent initiatives like Faircoop and Faircoin are succeeding in breaking that stranglehold.

Ashish – Enric, what prompted you to take the decision you …

Agenda, Conversations

RED Conversations Series

Towards A Radical Pluriverse

A dialogue between Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Alberto Acosta and Federico Demaria, moderated by Ashish Kothari

 Ashish – How would we describe the world we live in and what are its dominant trends?

ArielIn …

Conversations, Ideas

Ecofeminism and Radical Ecological Democracy

A conversation between Ariel Salleh and Ashish Kothari

 AK: How does feminism come together with ecological thinking to question ‘development fundamentalism’ in the global South?

 AS: In North and South, ecofeminist politics is based on women’s daily efforts to …

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