
Analysis, Stories

Emerging Water Issues In Brazil

Maurício Andrés Ribeiro

Brazil has historically been blessed with an abundant supply of water. Droughts and water scarcity were typically confined only to the northeastern parts of the country. Since 2012, however, the water crisis has hit vast regions in …

Agenda, Analysis

Finding Pathways to a Better Future

By John Foran

A proposal that our movements confront the issue of Political Power, finding new ways to take and use it.

Where Have We Been?

Unlike other ecosocialists, I have long argued that the path to radical social transformation …

Analysis, Ideas

Radical Ecological Economics

By David Barkin

Ecological Economics (EE) is an evolving heterodox field of study which has brought together knowledge from various social and natural sciences to question the two fundamental dogmas of neoclassical Economics: methodological individualism and the supremacy of the …

Agenda, Analysis, Ideas

Questioning Development, Transforming Modernity

By Arturo Escobar

As the world confronts an increasingly uncertain ecological future and the accompanying oppressive economic inequality, this is a good moment to take stock of what has happened with the radical critiques of development of the 1990s, and …


Is There A Way Out?

Ashish Kothari and Pallav Das

One doesn’t need exceptional socio-political acumen to recognize that the contemporary world is in a state of toxic ferment. The dystopian future of environmental and economic collapse that we’ve seen advancing menacingly for long seems …


A Path To Freedom

By Gustavo Esteva

It is possible to say that underdevelopment afflicted me when I was 13 years old. On January 20, 1949 I became underdeveloped along with two billion other people of the non-western world, the former colonies,  when president …

Agenda, Analysis

Red and Green: The Ecosocialist Perspective

By Michael Löwy

The contemporary international political economy is marked by a great contradiction. On a planet characterized by finite resources, the economy is predicated upon an absurd and irrational logic of infinite expansion and accumulation. With its fossil fuel …

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